So I don’t usually post twice in one day (or twice in one week, I’ve been so busy lol) but sometimes you see something you just have to share. One of my recent brides, Lauren, had shared this photo on Facebook today, and I immediately fell in love with it. I had to share it here because this is the place I share the things that are most important to me. I’m sure if you’re friends with me on Facebook you know that Facebook is my place to sarcastic and funny and basically pretend I’m a stand-up comic. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that Twitter is my place to make fun of Charlie Sheen. And here, on my own personal blog, is where I let it all go. I say stupid things, I tell people how much they mean to me without actually having to get all sappy to their face, I let the world wide web in on my little quirks, like my obsession with celebrating EVERYTHING by smoking cigars and my weird crush on Christopher Plummer. IT’S FINE. So it only seems right to share this here, because when I saw it I fell in love instantly.
It’s funny that I saw this today, because just last night I was talking to another photographer, who has turned into a great friend, and who I consider an amazing mentor. We’re both going through different transitions in life right now, and when life is changing so quickly it's often the fear of the unknown that can set you back, especially when you're on your own. You often question if you're good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, talented enough... and with no one there to reassure you (except great friends, of course) it can turn the things you love doing into the things you fear the most. This is because if you fail, the humiliation would be too great to bare. You stop enjoying these things, because you're afraid to make yourself too vulnerable. You stop creating. You spend your time overanalyzing everything; every thought, every photo, every time the phone didn't ring. And you become a different person, a person who no one wants to be around, a person who is a shell of your former vivacious self. This photo reminded me it's time to stop. It reminded me that you can't let fear of the unknown immobilize you and take away the things you love doing. If you conquer it, continue doing what you love and being proud of yourself, then good things will happen. Others will want to be around you, and they will draw inspiration from you, as you will from them. Use it to keep creating, to keep learning, to keep living and dreaming with passion and conviction. Inspire yourself and others to take a chance, to do something unexpected, to lose themselves so much in something they love that they find what they had always been looking for, because LIFE IS SHORT.
THIS PHOTO IS NOT MINE. It was been posted and reposted dozens and dozens of times, and is available for purchase here. I hope you find it as inspirational as I did.