Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th everyone!!! I honestly can't believe it's the 4th already, this summer seems to be flying by, and as I mentioned in my previous post- I'm loving it!!! Plus I always feel like I'm going to wilt and die in this heat... my hair goes Tina Turner on me in this kind of humidity, and it makes me long for my favorite seasons: fall and winter :) Yup, I'm weird...
So it's no secret that I take way too many pictures of my niece. She's way too cute and it's so awesome that my stepsister and brother-in-law live right down the road, so I can see here whenever I want. I was recently at my friend Lynne's studio and I love this bright red wall she has. I told my stepsister, Angela, that I wanted to buy Jules one of those cute white summery eyelet dresses and photograph her in front of the wall. My stepmom works right around the corner from my friend's studio, so we made a day out of it and had lunch with her. Ange also bought Jules an adorable 4th of July dress, so we decided to do a few pictures of that theme too. I mean, obviously, Jules could not have cared less about the photos and pretty much ignored us the entire time, but I was able to get some cute ones... before she faceplanted at the end of the session and we had to call it a day ;-)
On the way up to the studio, Jules was making this new face I had never seen her to do before... I honestly laughed so hard, it's such a ridiculous face!!
Back to normal faces... thank god...
This is the red door/ wall that I was talking about... I'm obsessed with it!!
We borrowed these beads and sunnies from my friend Lesley's studio... unfortunately they were way too big for her but these are still cute :)
I'll end with my favorites. More of my niece to come soon! Duh :) Have a safe and happy 4th everyone!