Andrea and Brian: Red Lion Inn Wedding
Venue: Red Lion InnCake/ Cupcakes: Royal Icings Hair: Angela, Sugar Salon Flowers: Cassandra Redel Dress: David's Bridal Bagpiper: Mary Brinton, Berkshire Highlanders
I’m a big fan of when things are easy and uncomplicated. Somewhere my dad is shaking his head reading that, about to call me and tell me life is never easy or uncomplicated, and he’s about to launch into a lecture about the value of hard work, the importance of health insurance, etc. But I have always believed that the most important things in life should make our lives better by making them easier, not harder. Photography is an example of this. It’s not hard to go to weddings on the weekends and be running around all the time shooting pictures, because it is important to me to do a job that I love. Sporks are another example. The sturdiness of a fork, the efficiency of a spoon… how can you go wrong? Curbside take-out, Netflix movie streaming, all these things make our lives better with their simplicity. And I think love is the greatest example of this. Even greater than sporks.
I met Andrea and Brian a few months ago when we did their engagement pictures. I remember being so tired that day; it was a Sunday afternoon after a long and busy weekend, and so I felt completely unprepared to meet new people, and I felt like it was going to be so hard to take pictures in my extremely tired state. And the drizzly gross weather wasn’t necessarily helping me either. But as soon as I met them, it was like someone hit the Easy button for me (thank you Staples). I felt comfortable immediately, and was able to see as soon as I sat down how in love they are. Their conversation was natural, they were able to make each other laugh without trying, and most of all, they were genuine. Genuine with me, genuine with each other…. They truly love each other, in a simple and easy way. They don’t make each other’s lives harder by adding stress, or drama, or picking fights about pointless things. They have fun, they laugh, they talk openly, they snuggle, they smile. Their love comes easily and naturally, and it makes their lives better. And it made my life better to be able to witness that love, and capture it with my camera, both on that dreary Sunday afternoon a few months ago, and a few weeks ago when they became husband and wife.
I had Shannon Grant along with me that day second shooting, and we had so much fun. Literally, this was one of those weddings where you wish you could just clone it and have every wedding be so perfect. Huge contribution to this= FIRST LOOK. There I go pushing it again ;-) But I’m telling you, we did an amazing First Look, and I think Andrea and Brian would attest to how fun it was. After that, they said their vows in front of 12 people (including the bagpiper and the officiant) and then we all headed back to the Red Lion Inn for a beautiful dinner. It was perfect, it was quaint, it was warm and welcoming and happy… and yes, it was easy. Weddings always are when you have such a great couple to photograph :) Here are my favorites!
I am obsessed with this picture of Andrea. I don't know if it's the lighting, or the way her hair was done, or what, but to me she just looks timeless and beautiful!
Ya know what's great about the bridal suite at the Red Lion Inn? It's literally a converted old firehouse, so it has a PERFECT red door out front :)
We drove over to the ceremony site, a beautiful mountain in Tyringham, where Brian was waiting for his bride! Yay First Looks!
The sky gave us some pretty colors for a few minutes...
Time to get married!
Ya know what's nice about small weddings? It's pretty easy to get a group shot of the entire wedding :)
Back at the inn...
Back to the red door!
The details in the room where the reception dinner was were perfect. I die when I see antique plates. So beautiful.
Cheers to Andrea and Brian! Congratulations and thank you for having me and Shannon along for your special day!